Water Installation
A/V Development and new video
Further tests and development
As usual on wednesdays I met up with Anssi and we did further tests and recordings of our upcoming triptych of A/V works. We decided on aiming for three pieces of 3-5 minutes of length, as this is a realistically how long one can hope to hold a visitors attention in a gallery. We experimented with some new techniques:
- New ways of recording the video, which allowed us to monitor the recording live on Anssis computer screen.
- Syncronised the MIDI-data from my computer to Anssis digital visualisation, so it reacts to the same triggers as the sonic elements
- A more stable implementation of the device providing the dripping, allowing for a quicker setup and less fiddling to put in the correct place.
- The sonic part is a first attempt to construct a longer, slowly evolving piece that will correspond to the slow transformation in the visual side as the colour density slowly increases.
Below you can see an exerpt of the recording we made. Unfortunately there were some synchronisation issues with the sound, which breaks the syneaesthetic relationship. One should still get a good idea of the progress we have made.